About the project

About the project

The project’s mission is a smarter Internet use by children and their parents and the prevention of the online distribution of child sexual abuse material.

The project is co-financed 50% by the the European Commission.

The project includes:

  • training sessions and seminars for children, parents, teachers and social workers, and awareness-raising events for the general public;
  • the drafting of training and awareness-raising materials for children, teachers and parents;
  • creative competitions for children and students;
  • assistance and counselling from the Children’s Helpline 116111 www.lasteabi.ee  children and parents on safe Internet and digital mobile devices use  by telephone, MSN (user info@lasteabi.ee) and other IM solutions;
  • the web-based hotline www.vihjeliin.ee, which allows Internet users to provide information about web environments which contain material that violates children’s right to sexual self-determination;  notices about other materials that are inappropriate for children may also be sent to Vihjeliin;
  • cooperation among different stakeholders in Estonia and Europe and participation in the INHOPE and INSAFE cooperation networks.

The activities of the project since January 2019 are being implemented by four organisations:

Furthermore, the project has a youth panel and advisory board, through which representatives of stakeholders are using their knowledge and experience to support its implementation.

Malle Hallimäe, project coordinator and hotline manager, Estonian Union for Child Welfare: malle.hallimae@lastekaitseliit.ee
Kerli Valner, awareness raising project manager and youth participation coordinator, Estonian Union for Child Welfare: kerli.valner@lastekaitseliit.ee
Kerli Požogina, awareness raising project manager, Education and Youth Authority: kerli.pozogina@harno.ee
Anu Baum, project manager on behalf of Tallinn University of Technology: anu.baum@taltech.ee
Marilin Küünarpuu, Child Helpline 116111 service advisor:  marilin.kuunarpuu@sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee


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