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11.03-18.04 Ingliskeelne kursus “An Evolving Online Safety Landscape MOOC”


Haridustöötajaid ja teisi teemast huvitatuid oodatakse osalema 4-nädalasel veebikursusel “Arenev veebiturvalisuse maastik” (An Evolving Online Safety Landscape MOOC)

Kursuse tutvustus (inglise keeles)

A new BIK MOOC (massive open online course) launches on 11 March 2024, for approximately 4 weeks. This course provides background information and understanding of key initiatives that are shaping the digital experiences of children and young people. It also explores how teachers and schools can help to protect and promote children’s rights in a digital world, how education can empower children and young people with the necessary skills and competences for the Digital Decade, and methods to encourage all youth to actively participate in shaping a better and safer internet.

The course is targeted at primary and secondary school teachers of any subject. Other educational professionals and stakeholders, such as heads of schools, school support staff, and policymakers with an interest in this topic are also welcome to join.

Learning objectives:
To understand the rights of all children and how these apply in their digital lives.
To identify the skills and competences needed for youth to be safe, healthy and positive online.
To become familiar with key EU policy initiatives, such as the European strategy for a better internet for kids (also known as the BIK+ strategy) and the Digital Services Act (DSA) and identify ways in which this will affect the digital experiences of children and young people.
To consider the roles that schools, educators and families play in raising awareness, developing competence and encouraging active participation.

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