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Safer Internet Day activities in Estonia


The Estonian Safer Internet Center sent out an invitation to schools, kindergartens and youth centers to celebrate Safer Internet Day. All organisations who sent the information about the awareness raising events they will organize in the framework of Safer Internet Day were placed on the map of Estonia and they will receive a diploma. Information about the organisations and the events organised can be found on the map if you click on the icons.

On Safer Internet Day a webinar “Life in social media – how to share your life while keeping privacy of your family” for parents was organised. Webinar is in Estonian.

A thematic special edition of an online magazine Märka Last (Notice a Child), was issued on SID which includes articles and videos related to smarter and safer use of digital devices. Videos and articles will be disseminated via different media channels and websites.

Video “Post Smartly” for youth (in Estonian)

Video “Post Smartly” for parents (in Estonian)



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